Course Outline

Understanding Stress in Education

- Common sources of stress for educators - Workload and time management - Student behaviour and classroom management - Administrative responsibilities and expectations - Signs and symptoms of stress - Group discussion: Sharing personal experiences of stress

Stress Relief Techniques

- Mindfulness and meditation exercises - Breathing techniques for instant stress relief - Time management strategies to reduce workload stress - Practical exercises: Guided meditation and breathing practice - Group activity: Creating a stress relief action plan

Introduction to Smart Money Management

- Importance of financial wellness for educators - Basics of personal finance: - Income and expenses - Savings and investments - Debt management - Budgeting: Creating a personal budget - Practical exercise: Drafting a monthly budget

Strategies for Financial Stability

- Saving strategies: Building an emergency fund - Debt reduction techniques - Investment basics: Making your money work for you - Case study: Success stories of educators who achieved financial stability

Workshop Fee

R 550

Registration begins at 8:30 AM. The workshop runs from 9:00 AM to 3:30 PM. Light Lunch, as well as mid-morning and mid-afternoon refreshments, will be provided.

Workshop Process

Our workshop is designed to be engaging and interactive, ensuring you leave with practical tools and strategies for both stress relief and financial management. The day will be structured into three key steps: a welcome and introduction, a series of interactive learning sessions, and a final action planning and Q&A session. This process will provide a comprehensive and supportive environment for your personal and professional growth.


Welcome and Introduction

Participants will gather for a welcome session that introduces the course objectives and agenda for the day.


Interactive Learning Sessions

The day will be divided into multiple sessions, each focusing on different aspects of stress relief and financial management.


Action Planning and Q&A

Participants will engage in creating personalized action plans to implement what they've learned.